my 2d mario project devlog
January 19, 2024
note: video was reuploaded onto youtube for convinence
gameplay starts 6 seconds into the video
this video feaures many things but probably the most notable is;
- the ability to interact with tiles (like coins and collission n stuff)
- the physics, all done without faking it (simulating them in 3d)
- including mario's variable jump height - entity animations, figuring out how to flip the players sprite was actually quite easy
- font drawing, each letter is its own imagelabel
- smooth camera and how the camera can scroll around the tilemap (the math wasnt that hard)
- how the levels are stored? idk if this is actually that notable its just a bunch of strings
- tile animations although, the way thats currently being done is slow and stupid, expect that to change eventually
- entity spawning (so far, only happens when the player spawns and when the player bonks a block)
things that are kindof disappointing
- mario's physics arent too great, no skidding or anything of that sort, i spent hours tryna fix that lol
- the code is still abit of a mess, even after hours of cleaning up the code there are things im unsatisfied with
- the game's fps can be uncapped and luckily, i was able to get that to work with deltatime (so it stays consistant with different fps) but terrible lag/fps drops can cause the player to clip out of bounds, this happens because the the math to calculate player's position doesnt check for blocks inbetween as that would not be expected at a stable fps, doesnt bother me atm but its nessesary i fix that later 🤷♀️
- the tilemap is made up of imagelabels the screen the amount of tiles is (16 + 2) * (15 * 2) which is 540 tiles, thats 540 tiles being looped through each time the game redraws the screen, none of the tiles are deleted though so its fine but this happens every, single, frame _(im probably way too concerned about preformance lol but i want this to run good! [it does run god])
- tile limitations (no bg fg layer, nun of that yet)
- difficulty modifying this (no "game enginge" yet, will be done when the game reaches a very very solid state)
no multiplayer but whateve
this project was completely programmed and textured by me w/o anybody's ones help (not like i get anybodys help 4 things like that anyway lawl) theres a huge learning curve when developing with someone and thats something i cant put someone through lol😭
xtrah :
the code for like.. the game is all done in here

more screenshots just becuz

(image below) vector2 remake (reason: allows me to set individual x & y values)

(image below) how i used getfenv
in one of my modules

btw the services
module is unused idk why i have that there-
anyone who joins the group gets the beta tester role
game link
thats all for now