my 2d mario project devlog

source: the blocky kong 4 discord server

January 19, 2024

note: video was reuploaded onto youtube for convinence

gameplay starts 6 seconds into the video

this video feaures many things but probably the most notable is;

things that are kindof disappointing

this project was completely programmed and textured by me w/o anybody's ones help (not like i get anybodys help 4 things like that anyway lawl) theres a huge learning curve when developing with someone and thats something i cant put someone through lol😭


the code for like.. the game is all done in here

more screenshots just becuz

(image below) vector2 remake (reason: allows me to set individual x & y values)

(image below) how i used getfenv in one of my modules

btw the services module is unused idk why i have that there-


anyone who joins the group gets the beta tester role

game link

thats all for now