test blog page, like a template or whatever

How to cook up a storm in FL Studio

April 12, 1996

these beautiful pictures i took

growing up i always carried a camera with me everywhere i go, i would snap the most georgous pictures of the most spetacular places

when i turned 14 I was walking with my camera and i accidentally tripped and dropped my camera into a puddle

i lost all of my photos, all except a few

how it feels to spread misinformation

test image caption, selfie of my nieces!!!

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my husband, radley heeler

this texxt comes from https://marinakittaka.com/posts/2022-05-15-Vic_B-Interview

I think a big psychological shift occurs when media is shared for free as a creative tool. If you have to pay, you start thinking along the lines of: "Will this 'investment' pay off? Am I sure I need this? Do I have the skill to use this? Do I know what this is for?" and if you are selling resources, you might feel more pressure to think in terms of: "Is this the sort of thing people will buy? Is it definitively 'useful'? Does it fit people's vision of 'exactly what they want'?" It's difficult not to shift towards a value system of caution, prior expertise, and quantification. It becomes harder to justify experimental, educational, or controversial work. On a purely practical level, I've used hundreds of pre-existing photos and textures in my work on Anodyne 2 and Sephonie. If I didn't have access to free resources as a small, independent developer, I would simply be capable of much less.

Of course, we must also consider the fact that creating media takes work. One might reasonably say: "people deserve to be paid for their work" but I think we can abstract this further! Ideally, everyone could afford to do work that matters to them, regardless of whether or not it could ever be successfully monetized. One simple place to start is to enjoy and celebrate the public domain (Like at thePublic Domain ReviewandDuke's Center for the Study of the Public Domain) as well as the non-commercial creative work of the present. This topic exceeds the scope of this blog post, but here are some related readings:

my date with radley

a photo of rad and i on a date


a photo of me holding him

i fucking hate this man, stupid

a photo of me and radley kissing.;

lalalala i cant hear you