neocities themes preview images (WIP)

part 1: early version 1

this is a neocities usertheme made to make changing colors easy made with the stylus extension

note: do NOT install the stylish extension! it is dangerous and malicious, make sure you have stylus instead! this extension is also available on the google extension store and other places so if you dont trust that link there r options (i chose it cause i couldnt find the website in 2 seconds or less)

no download yet - eyestrain warning!

of course, they dont have to be this bright, this is only an example!

heres what the original theme would look like with my setup (still, not everything is here yet, im like 93% done i think):

note: the sign up form background actually uses an image for the gradient instead of css, so i eyedropped the colors from the image to recreate it
i also spent.. way to long lining up the gradient to be REALLY accurate with the image i mean it omfgg.. u can download the psd here

(extra............lawll..) neocities comment abt this

part 2: practically complete

im gonna ignore the divider with the color #0B0F11 cause tbh idgaf abt that loll.. this was actually like... such a fucking struggle to make omfg dude.. i didnt expect this to be so hard?? also.. its so messy too.. like?? come on neocities?? why are the colors so weird

i decided to just skip over the frontpage of neocites when ur not logged in cause who the hells gonna be using this not logged in dawg

i also decided that .feed-filter * will be innacurate.. lol! its not #fff anymore! its a slightly different color ur not gonna notice! i guess i got lazy but the css was already making me mad so idgaf tbh

heres what i made in the past week:

2.css - 13.3 KB

heres the demo css i made to test out how it works (put it in a new style under or put it under the code or something)

this time, the "drag and drop files to upload" and the websites' sort by drop down menu's arrows were remade from scratch in css, that was actuallyy.. really really hard to do

so so sorry for how terribly unorginized all of this is like IM ACTUALLY SORRY this is atrocious, since its to fucking ugly..
i asked chat gpt to orginize it so here is that-